Catégorie : 1-Introduction
Affichages : 8281

The free software called KuneAgi and being presented on this website provides the technical infrastructure to democratically define:

In a variant, called Nova-Ideo, it helps defining the investments of a firm, specifically in the fields of innovation, and the problems it should solve.

It networks spontaneous, temporary working groups that operate with highly structured and yet democratic procedures. It generates high quality proposals, able to concretely influence decisions. KuneAgi combines the openness of a Social Network with the structure of Electronic Document Management software. It organises collaborative work and consultation, while supporting unprecedented levels of internal democracy, and therefore of confidence in the procedures and of legitimacy of the outcomes.

KuneAgi is developed and  deployed by the CosmoPolitical Cooperative SCE  as the software infrastructure underpinning the definition of its public policies.

In Esperanto, "Kune Agi" (pronounce: "kooneh ahgui") means "to do things together". The KuneAgi software that this website presents aims at answering the needs of human collectives, when they are in this situation of deciding "what should we do?" together. It generates action agendas, that is, action proposals ranked in hierarchical priority order. The procedure mobilised in KuneAgi is to elicit the emergence of these action proposals, to discuss them, to justify them and to rank them hierarchically in priority order, in a democratic process mobilising the intelligence and the experience of all. KuneAgi generates high-quality, innovative, technically valid, democratically legitimate and intellectually coherent action agendas. These action agendas have all the features necessary to build credible alternatives and therefore to influence both public policies and strategies of private actors. KuneAgi is a free, libre and open source software (FLOSS), following the GNU Affero - GPL v.3 licence.

This site, presents the KuneAgi software, its functions, its advantages and the organisations it intended for. It answers the main questions that the software raises.